Solidarity Lunch For Ukraine

On the last week of term, Kingswood revived its tradition of charity focused Soup Lunches. Students and Staff were invited to opt into a lunch of soup, a bread roll and a piece of fruit.
Our Chaplain, Rev. Katy, said “The act was one of solidarity with all those struggling to find enough to eat, as well as a further opportunity to raise money for the DEC appeal for Ukraine. 350 people signed up, giving up a substantial and delicious lunch. It was really humbling to see so many students carrying their trays of soup and bread. Feeling a little hungry later in the day really made us think about why we were making this small sacrifice.
Due to the money saved, the Catering Team were able to donate £800 to the appeal on our behalf, and as a School we continue to fundraise for the DEC appeal, after the generous donations from those involved in our sponsored walk, and our jumble sale.