
Drama Department Wowed Spectators With Their Senior School Production

Drama Department Wowed Spectators With Their Senior School Production
Senior Drama

Last week the senior production of ‘A Christmas Carol’ took place in the theatre, playing to packed houses every night – including a matinee with over 300 primary school children attending.

Joe gave the performance of a lifetime as the eponymous Ebenezer Scrooge, admirably supported by a large cast of pupils from Years 7 to 13.

It is always difficult to include everyone by name but it is only right to mention Joe’s fellow Upper 6th for whom this was their last production - Miya, who played the exuberant Ghost of Christmas Present, Sam as the jolly nephew, Fred, Felix who impressed everyone as Bob Cratchit, Holly who took on multiple roles – notably Jacob Marley and the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come, Natasha who played a crucial role as a storyteller alongside Harry who, despite illness, managed to perform on the last night.

James took charge of projection and was joined on the technical team by a dedicated and talented group, including Upper 6th pupils Charlotte, Freya, Joe and Cherry.

Congratulations and thanks must go to the whole cast and crew for their hard work and resilience in the face of many obstacles which had to be overcome to bring this show to life so successfully.

Mr Harding also played Mr Fezziwig as well as helping with direction and a host of other vital tasks.

Huge thanks to Mr Francis and Miss Deane without whom this production would not have come together at all.

Finally thank you to everyone who came to watch and who supported the Drama department in any way. Merry Christmas!


Flickr album: A Christmas Carol - December 2019 | Height: auto | Theme: Default

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Drama Department Wowed Spectators With Their Senior School Production