
Students Enjoy Team Building Day At Outposts Activity Centre

Students Enjoy Team Building Day At Outposts Activity Centre
Senior Trips and Visits

Last Sunday, 64 Year 9 and Year 12 boarders visited the Outposts activity centre in the Quantock Hills.

The objectives of the day were to help integrate new students into the boarding community, and take the opportunity to mix with students from other houses and year groups.

During the day, students took part in numerous team-building challenges, such as the infamous Water Crossing, where groups had to cross a large pond using only planks and crates.

Other highlights included the Gun Run, air rifle shooting, archery and the Wall of Death before the day ended with a BBQ at the bush camp.

Despite some inclement weather, the laughter and overall response from the students confirmed the objectives were met.

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Students Enjoy Team Building Day At Outposts Activity Centre