
Pupils Are Greeted With Great Hospitality By German Host Families

Pupils Are Greeted With Great Hospitality By German Host Families
Senior Trips and Visits

On the last day of term, nine pupils joined Mr Duke and Mrs Morris to Bristol airport, and onto Amsterdam.

From there they took various trains to arrive (11 hours later) in Münster.

Once arrived, all exchange partners and their families were waiting for the group. Pupils headed off to enjoy fabulous German hospitality, and the challenges of speaking a foreign language in its home country.

Friday saw students in the Schiller Gymnasium, where they attended lessons experienced a day in the life at a German School.

During the weekend, various trips were undertaken, including an extended weekend skiing in Switzerland!

The group enjoyed train journeys to Osnabrück and Düsseldorf where they enjoyed some truly German cultural experiences including Christmas markets, half-timbered houses, beautiful Abbeys and churches and visits to landmarks of great interest.

Mr Duke sported the Kingswood bobble hat wherever he went, flying the Kingswood flag, and the pupils were a delight to be in the company of.

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Pupils Are Greeted With Great Hospitality By German Host Families