
Prep Children Prepare Christmas Cards In Art

Prep Children Prepare Christmas Cards In Art
Prep Art

This end of term, our children from Reception to Year 6 have been preparing Christmas cards with Mrs Fox in Art class, following themes and ideas in each year group to extend their particular skills.

Reception are learning all about the primary colours which is why their carol singers are in red, yellow and blue.

Year 1 are studying ‘A walk in the woods’ as their class topic- we therefore look at owls and, in particular, textures for the bark and on the tree and feathers on the owl.

Year 2 use stencils, collage, cutting, added decoration and painting snow to complete their colourful Christmas trees.

Year 3 are developing their use of oil pastels and learning how to blend effectively. They also look at the principles of symmetry when designing their own snowflakes.

Year 4 are learning about ‘Active Planet’ which is why I chose a mountain landscape. We look at depth within a painting, starting with the background, then midground and finally foreground. They also learn about washes of colour using watercolour and more fine detail painted on the surface.

Year 5 are developing a detailed understanding of pattern, choosing an outline from a wide selection of animals and then filling them using two thicknesses of black pen. These are then cut out and a background is collaged using Christmas papers.

Year 6 have been learning about designed fonts, writing their own Christmassy word using the ‘Dangles’ Font. After colouring with Sharpies, they could then dip a copy of their word in marbling ink to add to the effect.

Flickr album: KPS Christmas Cards 2020 | Height: auto | Theme: Default

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Prep Children Prepare Christmas Cards In Art