Sixth Form Successes in Science Challenges

As part of our wider Science enrichment programme, our Sixth Form scientists have taken part in the Senior Physics Challenge and the Chemistry Challenge.
Matt and Nao performed in the Senior Physics event, as two of only 50 students on the challenge. Across lectures and workshops solving advanced Quantum Mechanics problems, they both answered hundreds of questions. Matt was recognised with a Diamond Award, while Nao's exceptional success rate of over 98% was also highlighted by organisers.
Our Chemistry students joined the Chemistry Challenge, where budding scientists are encouraged to think about Science as they would at university. Our students were tested well beyond the Year 12 curriculum and received some excellent results. Nao continued his Science success by receiving a Gold award, while Zara, Manak and Yamato received Silver awards, and Bryan, Florence, Anouk, Grace and Hamya secured Bronze awards.
“We are extremely proud of our amazing Chemists who have had the opportunity to demonstrate their intellectual prowess” explains Dr Rachel McIlwaine, Deputy Head Academic, “This competition is extremely challenging and will have required superior problem-solving skills and application of knowledge, taking the pupils significantly beyond the Year 12 syllabus. Well done to all involved, and good luck for the next big competition – the Chemistry Olympiad!”